Monday, December 7, 2009


I'm back from vacation. The washing machine has done its duty, cats have been comforted, and driveway plowed--twice. It's good to be back, despite the frigid Colorado weather.

While I was gone, my blog (at YA Sleuth and Publishers Marketplace) got a record amount of visitors, more than when I blog regularly about YA books and news. I should shut up more often, it seems.

Actually, I think it might have been the buzz surrounding the Wal-Mart, I Love You flash fiction challenge. You can read my story Aubergine below; I'll be off to read all the other great flashes linked on Patricia Abbott's blog, since I missed out on that.

And Thursday, I hope to be caught up on YA news to share as always. Just to chase you blog readers away.


April 2022 News (or: on reading slumps and lots of editing...)

  April snuck up on me like a thief in the night! I’ve been so busy writing, editing, and coming up with ideas for  Daybreak on Raven Island...