Cheers to
Patti for making me think up this list: ten books that have influenced me most. It was interesting to see what pattern they show. Anyway, here she goes:
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid LundgrenIf you’ve been following my blog a while, you know how much I love Pippi. Pippi taught me that freckles are great, and being different is cool. We need a YA Pippi, one who doesn’t worry so much about which hot boy to choose, but instead thinks of different ways to use a wedding dress. Like as a hammock for her veranda.
The BFG by Roald DahlI loved disappearing into Roald Dahl’s books—they’re the ones I read with a flashlight, under the covers, when I should’ve been sleeping. If I had to pinpoint where my passion for reading began, it would be with this book.
Crusade in Jeans by Thea BeckmanThis one’s one of my favorite middle-grade books—it taught me history can be cool.
Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise SaganI read this in my early teens and again as an adult. I think the writer was in her teens when she wrote it.
The ABC Murders by Agatha ChristieAgatha Christie showed me how much I love a good mystery. I devoured her books.
John Sanford’s Prey seriesAfter I didn’t read for almost ten years (shame on me), a friend gave me one of Sanford’s paperbacks to read while I was on bed rest (pregnant with first daughter). This book reignited my passion for reading.
A is for Alibi by Sue GraftonSue Grafton taught me that mysteries are cool, and that they’re even cooler with a butt-kicking protag.
The Safe House by Nicci FrenchThis book taught me how to create the perfect twist—read it and you’ll know what I’m talking about. I hope to write a suspense like that some day.
Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan SonnenblickThis book was recommended to me when I was thinking about writing YA, and I absolutely fell in love with the book and the genre. Best YA voice.
Rat Life by Tedd ArnoldMy most recent pick, this YA is a perfect example of great crime fiction written for teens. It’s a favorite of mine—wish I could write like that.
So, what books are on your list?